Peak Athletics
All memberships are for 11 months from September- July
Limited numbers of memberships available
Fall Training Period
Summer Training Period
25 In Season practice (private or with school teammates)
Periodized Running and lifting workouts for the year
2 in season pole rentals
The ability to schedule practices for the season in advanced
Discount on additional lessons beyond the 25 and poles beyond the first 2
Monthly Payment Price: $300/month ($1,475+ savings)
Paid In Full Price: $3,000 ($1,775+ savings)
Fall Training Period
Summer Training Period
25 In Season Lessons (private or with school teammates)
1 In Season Pole Rental
The ability to schedule practices for the season in advanced
Discount on additional lessons beyond the 25 and poles beyond the first 1
Monthly Payment Price: $250/month ($1,100 Savings
Paid in Full Price: $2,500 ($1,350 Savings)